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A native of Little Rock survives a fire in Los Angeles



Little Rock, Arkansas – Dominique Rhone experienced a moment of terror earlier this week as the Sunset Fire, one of several wildfires in California, moved close to her house.

“Seeing a fire right outside my apartment window and not knowing what could happen was really traumatizing, a little bit,” Rhone added.

She said she never thought anything like this would happen when she relocated to Los Angeles in September.

Rhone stated, “The fires that were coming from Runyon Canyon ended up coming into the city because I live off Hollywood Blvd.”

On Tuesday, the wildfires swept throughout Los Angeles, destroying numerous houses and killing those who were unable to flee.

Rhone claims she will always remember the first time she saw the fire.

Rhone remarked, “It was really confusing; there were cars going in different directions and people getting out and running.” “Traffic was jam-packed as people tried to leave the area.”

She even considered going home to Arkansas, but the local weather proved to be a hindrance.

Rhone recalled her mother saying, “I can’t fly you out here because Little Rock just got hit with 10 inches of snow.”

She fled until her neighborhood’s fire was extinguished and is now providing a secure environment for others.

“I’ve offered my home to people, and since I’m in a safe place now, I can offer my home to people if they need to evacuate,” Rhone stated.

Additionally, she hopes to alter one perspective among her Little Rock friends and relatives by letting them know she is safe.

Many people tweet things like, ‘Oh, it’s just celebrities; it’s just affluent people out there.'” That is just untrue. “Thousands of your typical American families have been impacted,” Rhone stated.



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