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Before the world’s shortest St. Patrick’s Day parade, “slow runners” come together for a zero-kilometer race



Hot Springs, Arkansas – One event in Hot Springs is concentrating on the opposite of the typical race objective, which is how quickly a competitor can cross the finish line.

The track for the 299-foot Zero-K foot race will start on 98-foot Bridge Street and finish on Convention Boulevard, which is across the intersection. The goal of the race, according to event officials, is to finish as slowly as possible.

According to Bill Solleder, director of marketing for Visit Hot Springs, “The main point is to cover the 299 feet as slowly as you can.” The racer who is the slowest wins. Isn’t that awesome?
Sunday, March 16, the day before the World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the race will start at 4 p.m.

Tri-Lakes CASA, which assists foster children in Garland, Hot Spring, and Grant Counties, will profit from the run.

The entry cost for the race is $25. The deadline to register is March 16 at noon. Go to to sign up.

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