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Termites destroy church in Solgohachia, Arkansas



Little Rock, Arkansas – How would you react if termites invaded your place of worship?

According to one religious congregation, the issue has existed for more than a year.

John Lewis claims that termites are to blame for the devastation. He claims that the fellowship hall of Solgohachia Baptist Church was badly damaged by insects.

“You see the wood has been damaged and destroyed or just eaten away. You see it’s just a big mess,” said Lewis.

He asserts that despite paying Terminix $250 annually for ten years, his parents’ church still suffered termite damage from the joist to the ceiling.

“I reached out to seven on your side because we started this claim over a year ago,” he said “We’ve been fighting, and they’ve been dragging their feet.”

He asserts that Terminix repeatedly started and halted the job.

“At this point — we felt like the only way we could possibly get this moving forward where some pressure might be applied, and some friction was getting seven on your side,” said Lewis.

Memphis Representative for Terminix sent his statement: “Despite the delays that occurred, we are pleased that repairs on the church have finally begun. Our company has a deep commitment to honoring our customer contracts, and this project is no exception.”

After the client called the State Plant Board, the company claimed it took longer to begin the repairs.

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