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The 10th Annual Arkansas STEM Festival held by LISA Academy



Little Rock, Arkansas – At the tenth annual Arkansas STEM Festival, which is taking place today, students from all around Central Arkansas will have the opportunity to exhibit their skills and abilities.

“Rise of the Machines” was the subject that was chosen for the event that took place at the state fairgrounds this year.

The impact that artificial intelligence has had on STEM fields was the primary topic of this presentation.

Visitors have the opportunity to engage with more than one hundred different speakers and demonstrations during the festival.

“We’ve got AI as our theme this year, so we’ve got robots, we’ve got robotic surgery, and an AI-designed game that students can sit in and drive through another student’s invention.”

“So not only are we excited to see that students have created it, but also including more students in learning. With the hope of encouraging more students to consider stem as a career in their future.”

It has been announced by the organizers of the LISA Academy that the fair will be held in Northwest Arkansas the following year.



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