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As temperatures begin to fall, Arkansas Red Cross representatives offer advice on how to stay safe and keep your home warm



Little Rock, Arkansas – The Red Cross wants to remind Arkansans of some ways to be safe while they stay warm as more people are heating their homes as the temperatures begin to fall.

According to Lori Arnold, executive director of the Red Cross Greater Arkansas, this is around the time the organization starts to observe an increase in home fires, most of which are caused by space heaters.

If you must use a space heater, she advised placing it on a level, hard, non-flammable surface rather than on carpet or rugs. Additionally, keep it three feet away from anything else and never leave it alone.

Arnold advised against using a stove or oven to heat your home, and if you do, always make sure that any embers are extinguished before retiring to bed if you use a fireplace.

Arnold emphasized the need for everyone to have a plan in place in the event of a fire. Start by locating the emergency exits in your home and checking the smoke alarms.

“Even when you’re doing everything you can to be fire safe fires can still happen,” Arnold said. “So, be prepared. Make sure your smoke alarm is working. We recommend people test their smoke alarms at least once a month.”

Arnold advised families to have a meeting place in case a fire breaks out in their home along with a fire escape strategy.

“Everyone knows exactly where they are going to meet up so that everyone is accounted for,” Arnold continued. “Have an emergency kit. It’s always a great idea to have one of those close to exits. That would include water, blankets, any emergency medicine you know you would need to have.”

Closing your blinds, putting blankets or towels under your door to block a draft, and dressing in extra layers indoors are some safe ways, according to Arnold, to keep your home warm without a heater.

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